Friday, July 15, 2011

Reading = Happiness

For some odd reason in the last few weeks I have become obsessed with reading again. It makes me happy to, because I have missed that joy of sitting down and reading and getting absorbed in it.

This could have an obvious source, and that would be Harry Potter. The final movie came out midnight this morning, and it is definately the end of the era. I have not seen it yet, I am waiting until later in the week, but I am sure it will be a difficult experience for me. I have literally grown up with the characters (movie time line, not book), so for me it is especially hard. I remember watch The Sorcerors Stone for the first time, I was in fourth grade when it came out and when it finally released on DVD I remember begging my dad to go buy it, and he did. I still have the my original VHS copy of the movie tucked away on my shelf. I became so enthralled by this movie, the cute boys, and Hermione, this girl who I could scarily relate too. I had always been a fiction and science fiction nut, thanks to my dad, and the plot and creatures amazed me. From that moment on I was in love. It took me almost a year to start reading the books, because when the movie came out I was not th reader I am now. I went to Packwood, a little mountain town, for their swap meet over labor day weekend. During the weekend I met the grand daughter of one of my mom and stepdads friends, and we were attached at the hip for the rest of the weekend. One night I slept in her tent with her, like a camping sleep over, and before going to bed she read out loud the book she was reading, The Chamber of Secrets. I was so surprised as to how much I enjoyed even just the first few chapters of the book, any book really. When I returned home I immediatly checked it out from my school library, and by the end of the year I had gotten completly caught up with the series. That year the second movie also came out, and it just furthered my love for the series. Every year since I either got a new book in the series (up until 2007) or a new movie, and I am proud to say I am a Potterhead through and through. So the series ending, book and movie, I am a little emotional. Okay, a lot emotional. I have other series to follow, however, Harry Potter is the series that made me fall in love with reading. And without my love for reading, I fell for writing.

Okay, enough about that.