Time. It goes by slow and quick all at once. I am sitting here, wasting time of course, and just thinking. Thinking is something I tend to find myself doing a lot, there is not much else to do in my life. As fantastic as online college is, I do find myself lacking in the social department of life. I know I need to get out more, just go do something. This lack of a social life is probably why I miss high school so much. In high school your social life is why you wake up and go to school everyday, at least for most people it is. I went from having a fairly large inner circle of friends, to really only having one friend. I do want to get out, meet new people, get new friends, but I would be lying if I said that did not terrify me.
So how do I do this? Meet new people that is. Do I go to the mall and introduce myself to someone who I would think I would get along with? Or would that come across as weird? Is their clubs that I can join? Like a young adult book club or something like that?
Or is my best bet getting my associates degree finished and then transfering to a traditional university to meet people there? I know a handful of my high school friends would encourage me to transfer to their college, but is that what I want? I do not want to be a hermit, so I need to do something.
Anyway's, back to school. I finished my first set of classes this last Sunday. A 86 % in my financial planning class, and a 98% in my university studies class. Overall I am pretty happy with how I did during my first quarter. I should have started classes yesterday, however my financial aid was still in processing last week, so they bumped me to start next week. This does not really bother me all that much considering it gives me a nice week break. I am really looking forward to my new classes though. I am in my first communications class, which is the equivalent to any english 101 class, and I am also in a health and welness class.
Since I had an unexpected free week though I have been giving myself a head start on the upcoming reading material. The communications class text is simple enough, it is stuff I have read or heard in english classes many a time before. My health class is covering similar subjects as my high school health class did, but the text is actually pretty interesting. This health class is based upon the idea that health is more then your physical wellbeing, which I actually agree.
I want to do well in both classes, so I need to keep up on my reading this quarter. That was actually probably my only downfall last quarter was that I would get behind on reading and have to catch up before the midterm and the final. I still did well considering.
University of Phoenix is amazing though, I am really loving how it is set up. I still worry about the claims that employers do not even consider it a real degree and toss the applications in the trash with its name on it. However, I know people who have friends or family who graduated from Phoenix and are working and had a simple time getting their job. Still though, I think it might be best if I transfer to recieve my bachelors, then maybe transfer back for my masters and doctorite. I really do want to experience traditional University.
I went to the beach a couple weeks ago, and had a wonderful time. I was accompanied by my mom, stepdad, and my best friend Sierra. It was such a nice trip. We left on a Tuesday morning, bright and early. We drove along the Oregon side of the Columbia river, stopping at Multenomah Falls, and a Subway/Popeye's for lunch. It was about 1:30 PM when we arrived at our hotel in Seaside, OR. We were early so we drove through town to get a lay of the land, and then headed back to the hotel after getting the all clear to do so.
Once there we set all of our belongings down, used the restroom, and did anything else that we needed. Then we headed to the main strip and parked the Jeep and began to explore oneside off the shops. We looked at the beach for about five minutes knowing we would spend more time with it later. Then we went to the aquarium and fed the seals, which was just as fun and adorable as I remembered, and then ate dinner. The second day we travelled to Astoria so Sierra could see the town, and house, where "Goonies" was filmed. We also watched the wild seals on the dock. They just sit there in the sun, ocassionally bickering. It was adorable.
After the seals we climbed a hill and saw the Astoria towed. It was an amazing view from the hill, one of the prettiest I have ever seen. The weather was perfect up there too. It was sunny, but the alititude cooled the air and so did the slight breeze. The only downfall of the experience was an actual fall. Yes, I the master of clumsy, fell. And guess what, I re-hurt my weak ankle too. But it is better now, so it does not matter.
When we got back to Seaside we headed to the beach. Sierra and I spent the next two and half hours I believe, in the ocean. It was not cold like it had been so many times before, but the absolute perfect temperature. Neither of us had initially planned to go in the water, but it drew us out further and further, until we were waist deep. It was amazing. I love the beach so much. We ended up in Cannon Beach for a few hours, and had a very enjoyable time there as well.
Thursday we finished the Seaside walk. Also, we drove all the way down to Lincoln City, about a two hour drive, just so my mom and stepdad could gamble at the casino there. It was not a bad trip though, we actually had a lot of fun in the car and at all the site stops along the way. We especially loved seeing the marshmellow looking hay.
The next morning we headed home, sadly. On the way however we stopped at the Portland zoo, and ending the trip on an extremely high note.
Well, I have probably bored who ever, if anyone, reading this, so I will stop for now.