Monday, September 10, 2012


It has been a while oh beautiful creative outlet know at my blog. Though no one ever reads this, I feel partial to returning to the habit of posting. I love writing, more then just about anything, and blogging has sort of become this cathartic thing for me to partake in. Now, if someone actually was to read this, I would of course be very grateful, but even more so I would be surprised. Don't get me wrong, I have people in my life who care about me, but they are a small few and already know me well enough to not really need to read a daily blog about my life. But, hopefully someone who doesn't already know me this well may come across this blog and find themselves intrigued enough to read.

Now, since my last post many a thing has occurred to me.

First off, back in May I believe it was, I left University of Phoenix on a terribly sour note. For lack of a better way to put it, I was scammed, and ultimately wound up having over 5000 dollars in loans taken out that were not suppose to be all the while being told the money I was getting was a grant, when instead it was actually a loan. Not to mention the low grade education you get, all in all I would not recommend this school to ANYONE.

So, in just about two weeks I will be returning to my previous Alma Matter, Yakima Valley Community College, to gain my degree as a Pharmacy Tech. I am thrilled about this decision, both attending the former school I had actually enjoyed, as well as the career path I have finally decided on. And I am excited for a challenge again. I am taking three classes, all three of which my mom (who is getting her Medical Billing and Coding degree) has already taken. Firstly I have a Computer Literacy class which is mostly online, I only have to attend a class once a week and I am actually taking it with my best friend Sierra. My second class is a Legal Concepts class, which is all about medical law. My mom loved this class and as someone who for a long time considered a degree in law, I should as well. And my last class is Medical Terminology, a class that though my mom passed, definitely kicked her in the butt. Nevertheless, I cannot wait for school.

I also finally went to the doctors for the mysterious persistent headaches I have been getting for over a year now. After blood tests and a scan of my brain, nothing was discovered to be the cause. I began taking vitamins and it seemed to minimize them (though of course it could have been all in my head, pun intended). But, within about two weeks they returned and did so with a vengeance.On the positive side, I did find out I somehow lost twenty pounds. My mom suspects it may be MSG causing the headaches, but since there are several secret names it goes by and is in many foods I fear that it would be nearly impossible to eliminate completely. It would require me eating ALL fresh foods, which at my dads place is simple, but at my moms it isn't. Still, a healthier eating habit would not be bad at all because quite frankly I need to be in better shape.

I am still a social recluse, but hopefully with returning to school I will be able to change that. Though, I do a lot better around new people then I did, lets say in middle school. I can actually joke and talk to people I have never met before, which makes middle school me cringe of course. So, hopefully with that, I will be able to branch out.

Oh! I am also no longer a teenager. Back in June, on the 22, I turned twenty. It still feels weird to say, but I am an adult.

Okay, I think I have wrote enough. Hopefully I will get back into the needed habit of writing on a more regular basis on here.

Changes come frequently,
Make things anew,
But I know that in the future
Changes still won't be few.

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